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Cherry blossoms

 Thursday was 80 degrees and our only “no soccer” night.  “Hey, want to drive downtown to see the cherry blossoms? They’re peaking early but looks like the rain this weekend will ruin them.” He can’t, someone didn’t show for their shift so he’s gotta go.  He also reminded me, he doesn’t much care for them, anyway.  I get it, kind of, only in the way you can understand there are people out there who say things like “I don’t like chocolate” and/or “I’m not really an ice cream person.” Ok. So I don’t really get it. But he’s a man and these are flowers. So, maybe.  Options roll around in my mind. I could just drive downtown myself! My old stomping grounds! No problem. But actually my familiarity with the area is what snaps me to my senses and talks me out of driving the minivan into tourist central at rush hour with 4 hangry kids.  No matter, our neighborhood has plenty of cherry trees! Even with the people who complain that we should only be planting native sp...

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