7 Quick Takes: The B's of A

Cheers and prayers for the Fulwilers, especially Jen, the mom of new lil Joseph and also the matriarch of 7 Quick Takes.

7 quick takes that I Instagram'ed. I call this the B's of A (things I did in April that start with B).:

1. Bacheloretting

My first limo ride into Hollywood was classified as worth it. I think/know I liked it better than the destination. 
2. Bridesmaiding
My aunt got married to a wonderful man on the Queen Mary 4/6/13.  This was post-veil, pre-dress. We're related!
3. [Feeding the] Bears
This was the dirtiest, grossest, biggest stuffed bear ever, so naturally my husband decided to feed it ice cream. Note our friend's "Beeriodic Table" t-shirt, which all the ladies (and gentleman) didst love.

4. Beaching
Hermosa Beach was so cold and windy! I was wearing a scarf and three shirts atop my sundress. Note the random swingset in the background, which I did enjoy.
5. Blossoming
Naturally I assume that my pictures of the same blossoms millions of other people photographed in DC will be important to you. You're welcome!
But have you seen this cherry blossom photo?:
They were forreal making an amateur music vid on the banks of the Potomac during CherryBlossom season.
6. Bebe duckies
This was milliseconds before she started squawking and jumped in the water with her adorable bebe offsprings. I love that she first flashed me a view of her pretty navy blue under-feathers (technical duck terms here, people).
7. Blessing

Thanks to all those who sacrifice to make my homeland so free that I could travel coast to coast. 

PS. How's THAT for procrastination? See Grace @ CampPatton for the homeland of this week's Takes.


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